State : Asia
Capital : Taipei
Area : 36,000km2
Population : 23,490,000 (2016 estimate)
Languages : Chinese, Taiwanese, Hakka, and Formosan languages
Religion : Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam
Currency : New Taiwan dollar (NTD)
Time zone : Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+8)
Calling code : +886
Voltage : AC 110V/220V,60Hz
Taiwan is located in a sub-tropical area, with stable climate in four seasons which is suitable for living.In a 2015 survey conducted by the consulting ?rm ECA International, Taipei was ranked seventh most livable of 54 Asian cities. It trailed Singapore, Osaka, Nagoya, Tokyo, Yokohama, Seoul and Hong Kong. Taiwan's major cities have modernized and provided convenient living environment, especially on the quality and availability of medical services and shopping offerings. Since the implementation of the Universal Health Insurance, Taiwan's medical services have been ranked in the top among Asian countries, and have been close to developed European and American countries, aside from having the relatively low cost.
Convenient and Diverse Life
The diverse cuisine, convenient living environment and secured personal safety, are the factors that satisfy foreign businessmen with the living environment in Taiwan. Taiwan's geographical location, cultural characteristics and quality life are expected to surpass Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and will attract more foreign companies to locate in Taiwan, particularly with the opening of cross-strait direct links.
As Taiwan is located at the heart of global cultural exchanges, varied food from different countries can easily be found in Taiwan, such as American hamburgers, Italian pizza, Japanese sashimi, German pigs knuckles, and Swiss cheese, to name a few. Taiwan is truly a heaven for gourmet. In the aspect of living convenience, there are more than 10,000 convenient stores in Taiwan, which means one store for every 2,000 people. Taiwan has the highest density of convenient stores in the world. Furthermore, there are schools, which meet the requirements for up to high school education, for children of foreigners residing in Taiwan.

(2)Permanent residency may be granted to foreigners investing over NTD15,000,000 in an enterprise and have generated five or more job opportunities for ROC citizens for over 3 years ; or
(3)Invested over NTD30,000,000 in Government Bonds for over 3 years.
(2)A Diverse Culture of Innovation
(3)Friendly Fundraising and Financing Environment
(4)A Platform Linking to the World
(5)Excellent Labor Force
(6)Excellent Performance in International Rankings
(7)Strong Industrial Clusters
(8)Sound Infrastructure
(9)Sound Legal Environment
(10)Sound Intellectual Property Protection